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Favourite pokemon

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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
My absolute favorite Pokemon is Flygon, a love I gained immediately upon seeing it first in the Jirachi: Wish Maker movie as a kid. I was... smitten with its design, sdfljkhdsjf. Such a good, wholesome dragonfly boi. ;u; It's so much fun to use competitively, and it was always a staple of my Colosseum teams - which was the Pokemon game I grew up with, and still continue to replay the most to this day. Absol's a second pick for similar reasons, and T-Tar earned by love and affection through a combination of it reminding me of my boyfriend (it was always his personal favorite) and it being the staple of my main OC's Pokemon party!

Favorite type is a little more difficult to pick, but I probably have to say fire. Fire types are just? So good?Very good. Dark may be a close runner up, though, just because I'm Edgy (TM).
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Since the dawn of time

Forever and always.

My favorite types are fire and psychic types. Probably because this si the combo ninetales should have always been but still is not within reach. I also love them both conceptually, I'm a leo, a fire sign and drawn to it simply by nature. Fire types fit my spirit and personality but I feel like there's something about psychics types that you just.... can't not love to bits. I just feel very strongly about them conceptually as well. Gardevoir is probably my favorite psychic type.
Eroge Collector
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Máscara de Tigre
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It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
I always choose fire starters growing up, so they'd rank as my favorite type; it also helps that my favorite pokemon was originally Charizard, and that my favorite legendary pokemon (besides Mewtwo) is Entei.

Currently though, I'd say I'm most fond of Dragonite, Blaziken and Metagross don't make me choose
last edit on Jul 27, 2018 5:32:00 GMT by Máscara de Tigre
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we're all dancing to the same sad song
Aegislash is my absolute fav. It looks cool as heck and combines my two fav types. Stance change is really fun/OP too! But I also really like Empoleon, Serperior, Mimikyu, Vanilluxe, Gengar...idk, I could make a huge list. Been playing/sometimes watching pokemon since I was 7.

For legendaries, I'd say my favs are Suicune and Lunala - at least in terms of design. Have fond memories of Articuno from the old games.

For fav type, I can't pick between ghost and steel  :-S  Steel is sturdy, cool, & literally edgy. And ghosts are just...nostalgic. I don't remember going through a single run of pokemon red without haunter and spamming hypnosis + dream eater
Lux Lucet in Tenebris
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Dratini and Mew! I had a plush of the former when I was a child. The card game was extremely popular during the 1990s. I actually traded one Lass to another boy to obtain Dragonair.

Even though I lost general interest in Pokémon in middle school, I still loved Mew. My father bought me the original Japanese Summer Island card, but I lost it because it slipped out. He also procured a T-shirt depicting him, one I wore when Pokémon: Revelation Lugia (1999) premiered in the U. S.

My brother favored Mewtwo. We constantly argued about whether his pick or mine was strongest. Last year, my twin sister found the aforementioned card in its original language. She bought that with our father's permission, and I put it somewhere.....the onoit, I think?

As far as types, I never quite cared. When we played the earliest games on our Game Boys, we ruled that we were to pick one type and keep to the pattern. I selected Charmander; my brother, Bulbasaur; my twin, Squirtle. It switched with Gold Version and Silver Version: me, Chikorita; male sibling, Totodile; female sibling, Cyndaquil.

Our younger sister showed interest briefly. I put my rare collection of Japanese originals in a tin and gave it to her, hoping she would appreciate them. The girl lost the things, ruining me.
last edit on Jul 28, 2018 2:08:10 GMT by Jacob
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Okay this is a really tough question, but let me narrow it down per each generation at the very least.

Gen 1 : I'll always hold Gengar in a special place in my heart. I got a Haunter from a friend of mine, and at the time, we didn't realize certain pokemon evolved when traded. I've kept this little guy on my games since FireRed and have migrated him from game to game up to Pokemon X. I still have that game cartridge and like to peek in on the pokemon there. I think of it as a sort of look back on things, reminiscing to the excitement I first had when I played one of my first Pokemon games. I haven't talked to that friend in years (we lost contact due to moving and the like), but sometimes when I take a glance back at that Gengar, I like to think she's doing okay.

Gen 2 : Now Espeon is really what started my love for Psychic-types. Playing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, I grew to appreciate the help I got from evolving the starter Eevee into one. Since then, I've managed to have at least one Espeon per game. No sappy story here, just my admiration for how some cute pinkish-purplish fox really packs a psychic punch!

Gen 3 : There's a few honorable mentions here, like Salamence, Shiftry, Plusle, Minun, and Absol, but my absolute gen 3 fave is Aggron. There's something about the prehistoric steel-type I can appreciate. Maybe it's the fact that in the first game, steel-types didn't exist, so the thought of a prehistoric steel-type made me wonder at the time what other types are out there that we don't know about. Though steel and rock combo makes it relatively weak to both water- and fighting-types, it can offer an advantage towards others in a pinch, especially when facing off against fairy-types.

Gen 4 : Okay so Diamond was technically my first game. Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, and FireRed all came after that. Because of this, my very first starter Piplup's final evolution Empoleon will always be near and dear to me. I just love that pokemon so much, it's such a dapper looking thing! No contest, the sharply dressed penguin wins gen 4.

Gen 5 : Okay, so while I absolutely LOVE Bisharp, my favorite gen 5 pokemon has to be Dewott. I just think the little blue otter is so darn adorable. Especially with his shells. Fight on, little shell dude.

Gen 6 : Okay, many many honorable mentions here, like Delphox, Aegislash, Pangoro, Klefki, Sylveon, Meowstic (both male and female evolutions), and Noivern. My most favorite would have to be Espurr. I just love its wide eyed, vacant expression so much lmao. I know that the last 3 gens have relied on appearance alone, but what can I say? All three are adorable.

Gen 7 : ROWLETROWLETROWLET THE ROUND BOY-- Okay no, this one is tricky. While I love Rowlet to bits, I also hold a love for Gumshoos, Lycanroc (all forms, beautiful doggo), Rockruff, Kommo-o, Decidueye, and Mimikyu, there's one newer pokemon that holds my interest above the rest. I'm really loving the design of Zeraora and really need to get my hands on one. It just looks like a very angry zappy cat. I wanna pet it even if it means risking electrocution or just simple static. 10/10 would hug.

Now as for my favorite type overall, that one's a bit tricky because I've always had a love for the darker trio of dark/ghost/psychic. I don't know why I love those types so much, I just do. Maybe it's my edgy emo phase circling back around, who knows. I just seem drawn to them more than any other type.
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I have way too many favourites. I tried to trim it down as much as possible while hurting my soul doing it:

I first fell in love with gastly when I was little because of that gastly episode (with the ghost woman waiting for her love to return from sea).
My first Japanese card was this card and I thought Jolteon looked so cool(pretty sure it was holograph, too). I also liked vaporeon because it was such a mermaid. |:
I fell in love with Umbreon's design the moment I saw it, and I loved how my umbreon was such a tank.
My bro and I were playing Pokemon Colosseum as kids, and I thought Misdreavus was so cute! I told my bro he had to catch her (it was a she) for me and he did. |: I named her Missy because I was a creative child. XD
Pokemon X was the first pokemon game I played since pearl, I think, and Flabebe was the first pokemon I caught. It evolved into a florges and became a total beast. It blew pretty much everything out of its path. I checked its stats with that NPC dude and apparently it was just "average." Average, yet beastly. |: She was with me from start to finish.
Based on Rockruff's and Lycanroc's entries on the pokemon X site, they were just like one of my chars from childhood to adulthood, even where they're from. I thought that was really cool.
I didn't used to like Azelf, but after playing him on a site I grew to like him, especially because he's tied to Will. Him and his siblings are pretty cool in concept.
I like his concept and how he was portrayed in the movie. (And if you couldn't tell, I'm getting tired of explaining, haha.)

As for my favourite types... Fairy, poison, grass... honestly it'd be easier to say which types I don't like, and it's usually steel and fighting.

last edit on Jul 27, 2018 18:33:03 GMT by Deleted
aliasvee, vivi
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do u know... la-hee?

zigzagoon bc it's me in pokemon form

(i also love flygon and stoutland. flygon is just incredibly majestic, and stoutland reminds me of dougie, my cocker spaniel. i always name my male stoutlands douglas tbh. my favourite legendary is rayquaza, but i also love dialga, suicune and xerneas. type-wise, i love normal, dragon and grass. psychic and ghost are pretty cool types too.)

if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
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Gonzoearned bits
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it has, truly, been a roundabout path...
you could probably put any gen two pokemon here since i love them all but for the sake of me not destroying my brain trying to actually pick, i'll go with my heart rn and say aipom

as for my favourite types, i'm a fan of normal and bug just because i find them super cool for some reason, just the idea of the types make me happy? competitively though psychics are so raw and i love them
last edit on Jul 28, 2018 1:28:30 GMT by Gonzo